Walled. You realize that quintessential role you were growing to achieve has been forced into your hands. You're gawky and you stutter and you hiccup after you drink too quickly or eat too much. The idea of being shoved onto the stage makes your palms sweat and you never knew how much you missed the obscurity, the protection of the wall, until now.
He was young and had the eyes of someone who'd seen more than the years he'd been alive. He smiled rarely and ventured into the world with an air of doubt, a feeling of cynicism. No one ever saw him cry.
To be a good man, purposeful and steady, fair to those around and happy for the luck of others; that's achievement. To be a man, however, fair to no one and happy only for the blood in his own veins, the strength of his own will, and the freedom to do as he pleases; (fight for it, fight for it, fight for it) that's to be gifted.