Ummm i think a crescent is kinda of like a logo. Or a symbol of something. A cresent might be something thats old, I really don't know.
Butterfly! I love butterflies they are so pretty. A butterfly is a catapilar and then they turn into butterflies.
I have to make plans if i want to go do something with my friends.
Plans have to be made if you want to do something fun or anything that you want to do with your friends or anybody.
Hinge is something that is on the door and it kinda rhymes with orange.
ummm conceal??? Im pretty sure that conceal means to basically seel something. I think thats what it means
Cereal without sugar is very bland. hahaha
I go to the store and buy a dozen eggs for frying.
Sleeve , you have a sleeve on your shirts and jackets accually you have two sleeves.
She got a Platinum award today???? not really sure what it means
Deserve. If you do something that is right i think you deserve something as a reward.
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