So important, either way. The right one-- heaven. The wrong one --thanks stinky-ass people on the El today-- hell. Nothing like too much, even if it's good, though.
I love them and I hate them. I am lost without them, yet I abuse them. Snooze.... snooze.... snooze. And I don't trust them, either... whenever I have to be awake before 9am, I can't fully sleep, afraid that mine won't go off. I think they have begin sensing this... because, lately, they haven't been.
I was never into them; I did have one binge evening, that time in The Casbah, when I was doing Geisha performance art... no, it was the time we were doing Heaven's Gate performance art. And we were handing out pills on platters... and some of them were real. I can't believe nothing bad came of it... but that was my life then, all crisis and fun and wonder.