substances. when i think of the word substances i think of bad subtsnaces. like drugs or alcohol. i hate drugs and alcohol. i think they are such a pointless, stupid, ignorant use of time, money and horrible excuse for something to do or an excuse for doing something stupid. everything in life is a choice and if you choose to do that, then i have no sympathy for the consequences following it.
a secret is something you dont want other people to know about. i think most secrets are secrets because they are bad. even if they dont seem bad. they most likely had bad intentions. because there is a reason you dont want people to know. and if someone tells you a secret..... that sucks for you.
cameras. i love cameras. cameras are my portal of expression. i can express myself through a lens. with my experience with photography, i see life through a lens now. i see things and people through a lens of a camera. my dream is to be a teen vogue photographer.
a trap is something that holds you and detains you. if you re trapped in something, you cannot get out. i think you can be trapped in objects, obviously, and also trapped in ideas or in habits. i think being trapped in habits can be the worst and the most dangerous because being trapped in a habit you could not know you are trapped or you could not know that you are trapped in something BAD.
there are methods to doing everythings. good methods and bad methods. i think the one method that works in doing any task is focus, drive, and a kick butt attitude, go into everything like you are going to kick butt and finish it in 2 seconds and in the best way possible and you will be the most effective person.
When i think of losses i think of loosing a person you love. Sometimes, you can learn a valuable lesson from loosing someone or learn to appreciate things in life before they are gone. But some people just ignore the fact of the matter, and want to use a loss to their own selfish ways. Anyone who brings other people down based on the loss of someone else is someone i cannot respect.
a princicpal of a school. like mrs pokorny. people always say that principals are super mean, but i am yet to have a mean principal. i dont know if they have principals in college. i dont think so. because there are just too many people to look after. that would be a difficult job. im so freakingexcited for college. i can hardly stand it.
i hate cabinets. i feel like i get hurt from them way too often. mostly because my mom leaves them open all the time. like, honestly it takes less than half a second. just close the freaking thing. everything should slide open and closed. stupid cabinets. and low cabinets are jus the perfect height for hotting my poor baby kneecaps.