They fled their homeland, seeking refuge in Rwanda from their gnocidal brethren, days wrought with terror and thoughts on survival, hoping against hope that their machete weilding brethren would not find them in their new home.
The sun burns brightly, so brightly fact i often forget about it's relatively small size compared to other stars in our solar system. Perspective can be hard to grasp when you're the size of a thumbtack to something so large.
The helpless lamb collapsed against the cold rock as the predator stalked towards him. With Cold precision and dark intent in it's eyes it came upon him, fangs bared and dripping saliva.
Torn, beaten, battered. Totally and utterly worn out. Nothing left in this world but to simply, soldier on. The man stumbled, weary and broken with little to no idea of where he was going. He saw ahead a worn out building. Wearily he crawled towards it, almost on all fours with the weight of the day upon his shoulders.