decadence. rolls off the tongue as crisp as a cake.
candence reminds of rolling drull of a snare drum at a presidents fununeral
who cares about decadence anymore... ithought they only cared about that in europe
we are living in a post decadencial society.
we are on the brink
the sunset.
i pulled out my phone to take a picture then thought how silly of me to always view through a lens why not my eyes.
runner stopped each pulling out their phone.
even an old man; pulled out his silver flip phone and snapped a pic.
thats a good one right there he said
miracles. happen.
mira! look.
azul blue
60seconds is so short.
amazing... how do you silence your brain and begin to write from the heart?
journey to the heart... away from the brain... how do you turn off the inner voice of ego