The highest level in the life of any man or woman.
Something I wish I could bear for my family and friends.
A pedestal, a medal, or the acknowledgement of those whom you've dreamed of in names and faces only.
Today marks the day of leaving the past behind. It isn't that I choose to disregard whatever happened then, but I choose to look forward instead of looking back. I would rather choose to look to the future and stand in power, than stand still like a pillar of salt.
Was what I should have seen when you left, but you disappeared instead.
A dream of mine.
To be great at what I do, and for the people who are worth it.
She hesitated at the gates, and him tugging at her hand. He clutched his briefcase in the other and he gave her a smile. "Hey, I think this is code for come on in." She didn't respond, and instead sighed in reply. The smile faded.
"What's wrong?"
He caught her glance towards his ticket. "It's a one-way." He explained, and she threw him a withering look, as if to say, are you calling me stupid? This time, his eyes averted hers.
"You know what I'm going through," he said. "I have to find myself, you know that, and I've just been so confused these past few days -- my decisions have been falling apart… I…"
The flight announcement came on the PA and he let go.
A single tear rolled down her cheek as she watched the inevitable happen before her eyes, as he walked away a single pair of footsteps. She would no longer be known as more than the shadow of what he was.
Was what we should have done.
How time changes us for the better or for worse, how it is able to tell us that we've changed without any words whatsoever. Things will be okay, things will be okay.
RIP Miko Ancheta.
2 months since we last spoke.
1 month since I've accepted that.
A week since my blood boiled.
But not a day goes by when I don't think of you still, wishing for your happiness.
Me without you.
Me without you.
Me without you.
Me without you.
Me without you.
Is a feeling unfamiliar to me, but I haven't forgotten.
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