The framework of her mind was like a complex skyscraper. Her thoughts were in the clouds but i just couldn't read her thoughts.
The necessiy to be the best. Always competing with you to be at the top. To be noticed and to be heard. The necessity to win. To be the one, out of the two of us, who survives.
The necessity to go. Always being on the move and getting away from where I came from and the necessity to get where I am going. The burning desire inside of me to get away from my past, forget those who have pained me and find someone who can love me, accept me, and cherish me.
Our small town was just that, small. Everybody knew everybody. Our hangout was the local gas station, we had one park and our library was a bus. Eat your heart out world, because we are here to stay.
Thoughts wove in and out of my mind. How was I going to pass that test on Monday? How was I going to put together that fundraiser? How was I going to get Eric to ask me to Homecoming?