It was a bear of a task. Get to the moon before the Russians. Fifty years later, no one has even come close to achieving what we did. No mean feat.
Order! get it now. Get it done. Move on to the next. Order is the opposite of chaos. Order provides bordom.
chaos reigned in the house. The dog ran crazed. All four children bellowed different pitched cries and I was checked out.
I was in the mud. Up to my waist. It was dirty and thick and heavy and I could not get out. The harder i pulled my legs up the deeper and more firmly entrenched I became. the mud would not let me go.
I was not a pawn in this life. I moved according to my own rules not those of the game being played and thus I was able to put the King in check many times.
Trend of mowing grass every weekend is coming to a screetching halt. It's passe anyway. Why not let the grass grow to its natural end? I think the trend is due to be over.