History. We all have history. I was just thinking about history the other day and how ironic it is when people refer to "historical facts". The truth is that as time passes, facts become so distorted and details are lost in the dust and what we take for granted as fact is merely a shadow of the truth it was when it occurred. I think about how people read history and interpret history and I know that these events are not facts, they are merely observations.
Intense. How intense is the pain? I can remember the contractions when I was in labor with Colden. I remember someone telling me that the pain of those contractions would be intense, and intense they were. It was like I couldn't move, couldn't breathe, when a contraction came on. At one point while we were talking to the anesthesiologist before the c-section, he said something to me and I didn't reply. He asked if I was listening, and my doula and my husband had to assure him that I heard everything he said but that I was just dealing with the intense contractions through my hypnobirthing meditation. That was the most intense pain I've ever felt. It went through my entire being.
Smile. Boy, do I hate my smile lately. Ever since I got pregnant with Colden and then threw up for nine months and let my teeth really go to shit, I hate to smile. I'm totally self conscious about the missing teeth on one side and the cavity that needs attention on the other. I wish I could smile more because I always felt like I could put people at ease with my smile, but lately, I just can't and I think that sometimes makes people feel uncomfortable around me. And it's not that I'm unpleasant, it's just that I don't like my smile.
Station. Station Street. I used to work at a museum that was on Station Street, named because it was the street where the train station was located. I think about that train station and how the years have gone by around it and still it's there. The building itself is falling down now, and the basement floods and is in dire need of repairs, but it's still there, still receiving visitors almost the same way it did in it's heyday back in the 1930s when it brought loads of skiers to Lake Placid to enjoy the winter weather.
An embrace can be like the way a mother holds her child or the way a husband holds his wife. An embrace can be between two friends or two lovers. An embrace is a formal way of saying that two people wrapped their arms around each other. You can embrace a technique or an idea or a philosophy just as easily as you can embrace a person, because that person really is just an idea or a philosophy...
Still teacher? What is a teacher? A teacher doesn't necessarily have to be in a school or in a classroom setting. A teacher can be something like watching the sun come up over the mountains or listening to the crickets at night. A teacher can be something like a slip and fall where you twist your ankle or even something as simple as watching a young child play with his favorite toys. There are teachers everywhere around us as long as you keep your mind open to them and what they are trying to show you.