a sudden flash skits across the pitch black night sky. a glimmer of hope, a beacon. A sign of revolt, anger, all being relinquished in one sudden flash of light. so much energy, potential for destruction, or to cause beauty.
thunder. what an exciting, thrilling phenomena. Relinquishing anger, power, strength, in a bright bolt that dashes across the night sky. Brilliance.
platinum. A sort of metal, and also a refference to something that is hih in status. No, platinum is not meerly bronze, silver, or gold; it is a cut above the rest.
deserve. what is the meaning of deserve, you ask? it means to have earned something. to have fought, bled, cried, lost sleep over something you hold dearly. do all men deserve things they have earned, though? nay. look at modern day politicians.
centerpiece. Again, I am writing about the centerpiece. One could say that writing about the centerpiece has been what my day has been centered around, since it seems i cannot avoid it. The centerpiece is a unique part of any piece, as it is the center. It is the central structure to the piece, and everything revolves around it.
the centerpiece. the piece that's the most important of all. not all pieces can be part of the center. there must be edges, too; but the centerpiece holds everything in place, it is the structure that all things ffabricated are held together by, bound to one, center piece concentrated like a central government.