It's back wheels were stuck in the past, while the two front wheels were perfectly capable of moving forward. If only there was someone stronger pulling this wagon along. If only there was someone stronger, it might not matter whether or not all the wheels were willing.
The wagon was filled with loss and regret. I drug it behind me, as one of the wheels was stuck. With this wagon, I drew wrote in cursive along the dirt and gravel road as I left my past behind.
How can he expect help?
When he tries to earn it with a scowl?
I helped him. He released a smile... and learned, the art of helping.
A dead whore, disguised as a cute cheddar block? I think not. Fully clothed Night Elf, here I come!
I had a fantastic Idea for what I was going to dress up as on Halloween, but then I ran into a wall.. and there is no need to dress anymore. I wasn't going out anyway.