Strong. The waver but do not fall easily. I feel the opposite sometimes. Green is a nice color.
cheeky little ball of rubbish :) Ohh i'm British now!
The feelings were there...but they made themselves indistinct. They hid from my true eyes, leaving nothing by coat tails showing to leave me wondering.
The moon was beautiful. It rose higher and higher. I thought it was lovely. But I knew for him, it was a shackle. In those few seconds alone suddenly all I wanted was for him to see its beauty too.
I felt overjoyed many a time waking up from a bad dream and realizing it was nothing more then exactly that, a bad dream. Its mixed with relief I suppose to.
like a stone corridor till its suddenly alive with the afternoon sun. its white walls painted yellow and orange; a light filled tunnel into something less bleak.
Misty like summer heat after a rain. Her eyes scanned the field. Searching. through that mist she saw only students milling about. But she did not feel alone. Just curious. It was not a lonely mist.
The wind was rustling the leaves on my way to school. The sky was cloudy but the shown shown its face ever now and then...
To under stand. What is being understood anyway? How can we really be understood? IS the level at which we understand is determined by personal experience or sympathy?
under the sea. or under the weather. Buried under a lot of things. keeping things buried inside? finding things under your bed you forgot about.
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