No, I'm not writing about a torch, because torches only make me think of two things. RP games, and being a caveman. So no thank you, I'd prefer not to step back into the dark ages on some romantic notion of man's relationship with fire. U R DUM,
You want to leave my sight, right now.
A domestic bromide. The commonplace inquiries and responses we make through out our living together. These are the things that keep us bound so closely together you and I, and I cherish every single one of them. I wouldn't be able to get up in the mornings if it weren't for your voice greeting me with, "you're playing with yourself again."
Tempted to the dark side, in it's impossible logic. I've held on so dearly to the meaning and the virtue of this world. I've spent hours rationalizing it, and in a clean sweep she disproves that. As effortlessly as dying she explains that there isn't much here to it. Sort of like a magician revealing the secret. Tempted to try that power.
Glowing means faintly in the dark, a thing cannot glow in a bright world. glowing means hope in a hopeless world, it means love when you've lost all joy. Glowing is a person, and a place, and a lie. Glowing misleads us all.