Ragged makes me think of old clothes, or shoes or something like that. When i think of ragged i think of an old dog or something.
people look ragged all over the world. it can be a shocking sight to see.
my brothers have some ragges clothes. i think they need to be thrown away. some are really dirty too and old. it is really gross. they should get new clothes.
some things stick. some dont. sticks hurt when they are thrown at you. my sister hit me in the head with a stick when i was younger and i coulndt stop crying. this thing says dont think write and i am and this is not turning out good. stickyyyyyy
at wooden straight object. i don't no what else to talk about so how was your day? it was good? my day was really good also. so what do you want to talk about? i like to talk about sports.
WRONG is not right to bee wrong with somebody because if I was
something very bad. not good. disobeying what you are told. doing drugs and drinking alcohol and being a bad kid. not listing to anyone
i have done alot of things wrong. it just means u make a mistake. you can always right your wrongs but not by doing wrong again. wrong is just a way people live life. i have lives my life wrong for a long time
temper is a word that is used to desrcibe how easily people can become angered. if they have a low temper than they are angered easily if they have a ;long temper than thay dont get angered easily.
Believer makes me think of somebody that you believe in. Someone who makes you feel like you have hope in something. Someone who believes in you and makes you feel happy about yourself.
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