Alice in Wonderland holds a special place in my heart. From the time we were little girls my sister and I have watched and loved it. Every year we give each other something AIW related for our birthdays and Christmas. And 30 years later we still watch it EVERY time we are able to visit with each other.
One of the most BS fees I ever had (or charge a customer as a banker) was a dormant account fee.
Working in the bakery of the Special School in China that day, I sat down and helped an elderly Chinese woman who had asked some help in learning the words she had scrawled out on a little scrap of paper. "Roll the doh-r," she said sheepishly. Trying my best to explain how to say it in English, she was still not grasping the concept. Finally, knowing how to right it in Korean, I wrote "doh". "Oh!! DOH!!" she exclaimed and I saw the look of joy on her face. It was an amazing sight to see.
It seems like only yesterday you were a newborn and now you are 6. Where does the time go? Why must it pass by so quickly? I blink and a year is gone.
Some days the fits seem endless. Fits of silly things like changing clothes, brushing hair, etc. Though, I know one day I will miss these days.