
You are my anchor.
You are my everything.
You're the only thing that keeps together, you help me stay grounded while my head tries to drift away with the waves of the sea.
You are my love.
You are my anchor.
You are my everything,
and my everything is all you'll ever be.
Why would I have sentenced anyone, to anything. No one is guilty. We all have our motives, right? I'm not any worse of a person than you are, right? Every crime is a crime, they're all the same. We're all the same. Why would I have sentenced anyone, to anything. No one is guilty.
Learning, the best, and most beautiful thing.
Learn. They say you learn something new everyday, and it's true.
Learning is fun, learning is the best, and most beautiful thing.
I love to learn, expand my knowledge, and you should too.
So take some time, and learn.
The salesman, tearing into your wallet.
Salesman, knocking at your door, asking for your money.
Sales men need sales to give to men.
Or whatever.
The man claims to have not cheated on his wife.
The woman claims not to have hit her child.
The teenager claims not to have been drinking.
The child claims that it was not their fault.
We all can make our claims, but determining the truth is a much harder task to accomplish.
Husbands, I'm too young to have one.
I think I know who I'll marry though.
He's perfect, and I love him.
I already don't know what I'd do without him,
and I can't wait for this man to be my husband.
Travis will be my husband.
Can't you see there bodies burning?
Desolate, and full of yearning.
Dying of anticipation, choking from intoxication.
Left behind those empty walls.
Left behind those god damned walls.
So many systems.
Doesn't everyone have a system?
A certain individual system that is a make up of ourselves.
A bit of ourselves, a part of ourselves that makes us unique.
That's our systems.
Feature this, feature that.
Feature me in your new over priced movies. Feature me on your disgusting high tech phone.
Feature this, feature that.
Feature this, feature that.
Feature in movies, on the different features of your new disgusting high tech cell phone. Feature me in your over priced movies.
Feature this, feature that.
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