All we work for is to make the business better. As an artist i have employees yeah but i would never call them that, they are friends. We share a common goal and we achieve it. Work when called "work" is dreadful and we at most times procrastinate and delay that which needs to be done. im not sure if employees would have your back like a friend based relationship. although you should never mix business with friendship. when mastered and thought through it can be very valuable and successful.
Do you measure me? And do i fill your desires ?
Our glass is half full, we measure the volume with happiness.
When it all falls down what really matters is the measures you took to fight for your life.
To fight in the name of .. L... shouldn't say it, Fight for your heart for no one can judge a man who measures his happiness only on the acheivment of his dreams
Draw a picture paint a vivid story for the mind,
like an artist give in to so much but abstract your self from the lies.
Find your truth, reseed your roots and always know.
That tomorrows perception is for a better objective.
Draw your future with the imagination of the mind
Abstrakt, #mastersofceremony
I spend without no thought. i buy with out worry. What if i was poor, What if i couldn't provide for the ones i love. Would you still spend time with me. Without all these materialistic things. Would you still say it was time well spent?