The wonder in her mind upon seeing an academic puzzle over such simple beauty as the opening of a rose or the drifting light movements of the clouds this morning was beyond compare,,,
Rolling hills with buffalo bills and indians high on the bluff, I am remembering you now as though it were only yesterday that I
orphans...the smallest of left out thoughts in any dialogue...the unfinished sentences left forgotten and unclaimed...her vision was to find them and reclaim for them all some wonderful place where others could find them, too...
her use of "cinema" was implied... :-)
after purchasing a rather large bucket of unbuttered popcorn, she walked away, casually tossing out one at a time...
progressive. defies definition now.
It was uneven and finding its way down, along her collar bone...the clasp never stayed in the back where it belonged, just over that upper most lump of bone at the base of her neck. Why, she wondered? Always, she slept on her side...
life unplanned was breathing - being alive - knowing destiny was a dance where none of the steps were entirely known by either partner - yet, together, joy would unfold into bliss wherever...
She struggled to comprehend, let alone apprehend, the thought that got away, momentarily, just now, as she escaped briefly into the idea that it might just be possible to find small symbols for fingers, klunky shoes and a flamenco skirt before...
no matter how many names they had been through in the baby name books, he kept insisting "DISCO!" - in the end, Disco did not win - good thing for baby!
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