Dawn comes streaming through my frozen curtains.
It's the start of a lovely day, perhaps I'll
put a sugar in my coffee,
Buy a lottery ticket for good luck.
And have a flower on my jacket.
It's a brand new day.
Fallout everywhere;
The trees, scantily clad, begging for a tip.
Their golden gowns at their feet.
Followed by fallen nests, thrown by spiteful storms.
And pinecones, so many.
Remember, the times are changing.
Winter soon.
Long, windy roads. Sliding through the flora and fauna.
I usually want to know where we're going, but hopefully i don't.
Lets get lost together.
On the open road.
Kangaroos, lain on the road.
Some with their brains smashed out.
I find it sad. But always from a distance.
Always. From a distance.