i once read a book called flipped. it was about a seemingly weird girl and an average boy who flip their emotions or eachother. then i saw the movie and i loved it even more. thats where i first heard the saying, "Everything is only worth the sum of its parts. "
at school we have bins in the lunch room. one is for bio degradable things, one is for plastics, and one is recyclable bottles. its a small act, but in the long run its really helping the environment.
*ding dong* as i walked into her house we knew this was going to be a fun night.
3:30 AM
OH MY. have we really been playing pacman for this long ?!
yes. !!! we should really go to bed. We cant fall asleep at the brunch later.
yeah your right.
7:30 AM
*mom comes down stairs* oh good your up! lets get ready to go to brunch now
once we finish our game!
we all piled into the classroom. the bell rang and the teacher, Mr. Potter, told us to, "sit down ya-whoos." today was just like every other day. check the homework, get out our notebooks then take notes on his daily demonstration. later he would give us tomorrows homework. the bell would ring and class is over. he says "sit down ya-whoos." then we all finally sit and he says "go away."
you think we would learn by now.
There we were. sitting on the swings like we didnt have a care in the world. Well i suppose we didnt. not then anyway. So in love. he reached out and grabbed my hand. it was getting cold out and i saw my breath. all i could think about was the way his hair glisened from the rain drops on his head.