Blindness. That's what popped into my head as the light shined harshly on my face. I had no idea where I was as I coulnd't see a thing. The light kept protruding everywhere. Am I in Heaven? What is this madness I perceive? Blindness.
Headphones give me headaches. Never mind. They don't. Headphones put you in your own little world by separating you from sound in the outside world. It's so annoying when peopel keep asking you questions, though, you just nod occasionally to look like your listening. I love headphones.
To be or not to be depends whether or not you want to be or need to be. Whether is generally associated with choice or decision or even force. Whether it happens is the main idea.
Beliefs are what cause the world to follow their dreams, to cause problems, and keep us sustained at the same time. You don't often see a person without belief. They hold us down and keep