"I'm just amused, that's all," she said with a smirk on a her face. I wasn't positive, but I think she liked me. I didn't need assurance though.
He was always so irreverent. Anything in front of him was garbage and he made sure everyone around him knew. So when he walked into the church that day you can imagine what happened.
We weren't sure how he derived all of the money but he had a lot of it and he sure knew how to spend it. It wasn't long until we all had money to spend.
If we wanted freedom we'd have to burrow out of the compound. Like rabbits. Parker loved the idea. He'd been a member of the burrowing society since gradeschool. To actually put his training to use was more than he ever dreamed of doing.
It was all fabricated. Everyone knew it. But the only one who seemed to care wasn't even in his right mind. He never was.
We tried to instill our values into the boy at an early age, but it never quite caught on. When we pushed towards one direction, he would fight us and go the opposite. Parenting is tough.
Her throat would swell up like a water balloon if she even looked at a peanut. Everyone knew that.
"Don't show Brenda that Snickers!"
He never really applied himself. From the time an assignment was slapped in front of his face to the time it went into the boss' hands, he was never one to show any drive.
I was living in Texas at the time. Dallas. It wasn't a big city back then, no siree. Back then it was
He was determined to finish. even though he'd never finished anything before in his life. If he could just complete everything then he could be happy for once.
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