Matchsticks call to him, singing in the night. Light them up, watch them burn, swallow them whole.
Cigarettes can kill you
Though the smoke is nice
The choking fog can fill you
And hope it will suffice
bow down to me, insignificant spec of dust
i am the god of what you wish you were
do as i say or writhe with the worms that are your brethren
eat the dirt that is your home
the mold that is your mind
bow down before me
bow down
for I am greater
I am Great
The God of All Time
fork on the left, on top of the napkin
spoon and fork on the right
pass the salt and pepper together as a unit
spoon or fork above the plate is for dessert
don't make slurping noises
always pass dishes to the left
don't blow your nose at the table
...that's all i got out of girl scouts
i have the plague. a plague of yellow eyes and yellow skin and yellow hair follicles. not a happy yellow, not the sun or a flower, but the plague. the plague has come, it takes no prisoners, only children and adults who dare to dream. oh, the plague has come.
Straw straw strawberry pie. Triplets and blondes and horses with hey. Straws to drink from, straws to break a camel's back. Strawberry Strawberry Strawberry Pie.
Average. Cruel. Why are people mean? I've been mean before and I hate myself for it. Nasty words and cruel names with sewage-waste mouths of contempt and disgrace. Angry faces and knives in side, twisting them and laughing. People are mean to each other and it tears us apart, Lisa. Tears us apart.