this is a funny word but fragrances smell really good like vinllia yummy hahahah speacking of vainlla i have some at home the fragances not the reallly stuff but ya hahahh still yummy!!!!!
wow this is a wierd subject to be talking about
so who would want to comment suicide? why would any one ever even think of that and only heart less freaks want to comment suicide,cause they dont even care about there family are or anything if there going to kill them selfs,well if you want to kill your self go play some call of duty games or something so you can kill some thing other than your self!!!!!!!!!!!
wow this is a wired subject well drark rooms are scary jus like the boogy man wow he is more scary than the tooth fairy well dark rooms are just amazing at the same time if your scared of the dak then thats not very good cause tha is more scary hahaah well have you ever wonder why there are darkrooms when there are lights now days
reports are scary they make you really nevers and then my graandma mad me do one one time cause i yelled at her and she made me wright a report cause of it is was funny and sad at the same time hahha just like scool you
a basement is really wired there dark and scary. they can have monsters and spiters<it can all so be a place to have fun games maybe and there is