balland lands on deadpan heat
not enough flavor to cook the meat
sing it sweet and swallow sly
sating songs belong on high
tend to be nice people.
Have you every met an awful Lily?
My grandmother's name was Lillian
she had white hair, she had
a beautiful smile
horned stems buck wind and resist fingerprints
encourage scent not selection
flowers nod as you pass
for now equals
in that you are both alive
truncated at the knee
this movement is the speed of a slow dance
ungainly gait of fancy feet
you're never gonna get there on time
but damn
you've got some style
Drunk on bubbly but not dumbly, the fancy shit. The popped bottle to celebrate xyz. The victory you know beforehand so you went to the liquor store and bought some classy revelry. I didn't know your smile was that color.
I was unprepared for a pretentious estate. I wanted to see you to your house. I didn't want ruffles or starch or cotton gin or any gin for that matter. We found the best bottles and drank them empty. Crystal, I think. I wasn't prepared to stay longer, so I stayed, too drunk to care.