Abstraction. What could it be? Really, it's just whatever is on your mind. Make it up. It'll alwYs become what you make it out to be. So decide. Go with it. And be confident.
were woven togrther, like a basket of wood. never seperating, just crossing, and remeating. never fully leaving. were always wo
However, things have changed, and we will never be the same. And that's ok... We had what we had, while we had it, and that's good enough for me.
There is a whole world out there. Everywhere else, but here. So how can you not see that out of the whole world, and all the people in it, there is a reason that you and I would be here, together at the same time. How can you not see?
What does it really mean to be wanted? I don't think I'm sure yet.
Figures this is where we've made it. Figures this is what we are. Figures this is all we will ever be. This. Just me. And just you. Nothing more. And possibly nothing less. Figures you've left me to figure it all out. Figures.
Wander, search,find. You'll get there eventually. But for now, just go. When you get there you'll know your home.