It wasn't raining too hard. Still wish I had an umbrella though. I bet that guy over there wished he had one too. The pretty girl he was talking to had one. I thought it was nice that she was socializing with him so publicly. The conversation looked awkward, and the fact that his lack of an umbrella was keeping him on the steps and, thus, prolonging the conversation made it even more awkward. Oh well. Once they got past this stage, I'm sure their kids will be cute.
So soft. Like silk almost. He couldn't imagine anything as soft as her hair between his fingers. Yes, this must be what silk feels like, and he told her. Of course neither had ever felt silk. But they laughed at his statement just like they had felt it that very day.
I saw him coming toward me, frenzied from Mating Hormones. My reaction time never was good. I swerved at the last second, but the wrong way. Right smack on the driver's side of the windshield. He didn't stand a chance.
Here we go. The same old crap again. Not only from them but from me as well. How many times do they think I'll fall for the same old saccharine smile? They must think I'm dumb. Or that I'm just some broken record they can keep fooling keep fooling keep fooling keep fooling.