
He sped down the highway, his top down, blaring the radio. A beautiful blonde stood just atop the hill, thumb extended. He slowed down casually and inspected her. The sun was shining off of her brilliant hair, sweat gleaming off of her. She was short, petite. Defenseless.
"Awfully hot day to just be wondering the road. Want something to drink?" He smiled, extending a water bottle.
She eyed him curiously, licking her lips. She looked at the horizon seeing the heatwaves escaping to the sky.
"Sure. Headed that way?" She smiled taking a large drink from the water bottle.
"Only way to go." He laughed, "Where you headed?"
"Going to Vegas. Mind if I tag along?"
"Hop on in! So Vegas! Awful long way to walk from here."
"You're not going to kill me or leave me on the side of the road, are you?" She looked around the car for weapons or any other surprises.
"Well if I was, you made the first mistake of drinking the water." He joked casually.
That put her at ease.
"Well I was driving there with my boyfriend and the guy lost his mind. Left me on the side of the road."
"Well lucky me."
"Lucky you? Lucky me! I was dying of thirrrsst out heeerre... My tung.."
"You know, I wasn't joking about the water. I was going to kill you and dump your body on the side of the road, but Vegas sounds like a lot of fun. And you could be my lucky charm. How about it lass? Care to join me in Sin City?" He placed a large knife that he'd been hiding on the dashboard and put some Aviators on.
"I'm sure we'll have a lot of fun."
He sat there quietly in the darkness, listening to the feint hum of the air conditioner unit outside of his apartment. He stared back and forth between the t.v. and wall blankly. His head had been rushing with thoughts all day and he was finally home to relax or act on them. He felt around numbly for his revolver. He loaded one shot into the chamber and spun it. He pointed the gun at his head with a smile. Quickly, he pulled the trigger four times in quick succession.
"Just one more left." He stared at the wall nervously then quickly shut his eyes tight.
After a brief silence, he sighed partially from relief and part disappointment. He set the gun down on the table and stared at it.
"The odds..."
Thinking nothing more on it, he grabbed the t.v. remote off the table and turned the volume up, except no sound came out. Confused, he walked closer to the t.v. to see if something was wrong with it. Nothing.
He started to feel a little dizzy and fell against the wall. Looking at the ground to center himself, he noticed these small dots leading towards the couch. He flipped the light switch on to get a better look. Crimson little drops stained his hardwood floor. Blood?
He picked the gun back up and looked into the chamber. Nothing was left. He stared down the chamber. Empty as well. He tossed the gun back on to the table even more perplexed. He grabbed the t.v. remote and turned it off. Sitting in complete silence he began to feel unnerved. It was too quiet. He tried to listen for the air conditioning units hum and found he could not hear it. Then he snapped his fingers. Nothing. The dizziness was turning into a massive headache as he started to feel panicky. He slowly moved his fingers from his neck to his ears. He felt moisture instantly and pulled his hands in front of him quickly. Red.
He looked at the droplets on the floor and how the closer to the couch, the larger they were before he saw it. A pool at his feet next to a stained couch, but more noticeably, the wall covered with part of his brain and a splatter of blood. It was almost like some grotesque painting. He marveled at what he was looking at before his eyes started to close. Inch by inch. Then there was darkness. And all that was left were the sounds of dripping blood, like a drain pipe dripping water onto cement.
I watched myself laying on the couch smoking a blunt. Then he noticed me.
"Hey, you look familiar." He said laying lethargicly.
"I'm you dumbass. Get up and do something instead of smoking all the time."
"Am I having an out of body experience?" He asked confused.
"Kinda, but not really. You're just really stoned and projecting me to be here."
"I said..." I started feeling super lazy too. "I said pass me the blunt."
10 seconds. I ran, hearing the scrapping and hissing from behind me. Plasma shots and burns were following me closely. 7 seconds. I get to the top of the stairs and burst threw the rooftop door. I quickly jam the door with a pipe and run toward the end of the building and jump. 5 seconds. Shev is waiting right on queue below. We make our escape just as they burst the door open screaming as they fire blindshots at our ship. 3... 2... 1... The bomb I planted was experimental and was presumed to be the only way of stopping their production. The sight. There was no flash. Just a stillness in mind and in sound. Then everything just fell apart. On a molecule level. Like staring at a sandcastle on the beach, when a wave just washes it back into the ground.
I have a perfect girlfriend.
I have a perfect girlfriend.
She has perfect lips.
He flashes back to last night, feeling her warm body against his, her lips against his.
She's that perfect balance of sexy, yet cute.
She looks up at him her eyes looking into his, her red hair flushing brightly in the moonlight, biting her lip.
And a body like a goddess.
She slides out of her dress and climbs on top of him. His hand slides up her thighs up to her neck and pulls her face to his.
So what was last night about...
He watched admiringly as she braided her hair, the moon shining on her pale skin. He'd told her before he left that he wouldn't forget how beautiful she was, but in this moment, his memories had failed him. She was more beautiful then he could have ever imagined.
"I'm gonna need you to bite the curb, John."
"Please, I'm begging you Jess, I didn't mean to let him go. I've got a wife, a kid."
He looked at Jessie desperately and then turned to me, weeping.
" You see, I just got these new shoes,"
Jessie kicked him hard in the side knocking his face to the curb.
"But they're a little plain to me, I think what they need is a little -"
Then he practically jumped on his head, red exploding onto him.
Then he continued stomping until there was just a red stamped mush on the curb next to a body. He calmly wiped his feet on the curb and looked back at me, brushing his hair back.
" Oh hey there Buddy! Look at you! Like my new shoes? You look great!"
I want to feel music inside me til my ears bleed.
I want to feel passion til my heart bursts.
I want to run til I collapse from exhaustion.
I want to enjoy life past my lifetime.
I want not to be human.
Sleep. Dream. Awaken. Think. Overthink. Smoke. Relax. Epiphany. Munch. Smoke. Sleep. Dream. Awaken..
When I was younger I wanted to be a husband. A father. Then I realized I was selfish. And to be a husband one needed to be selfLESS. You live for your wife. Your plans are for your family. All I can think of now. Is. Myself.
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