I drink not from strange fountains. I quench my thirst only from the right place. They mock me and call me a fool. Some tempt me. But try as they might they cannot but advertise in vain. I have tasted from the true fountain. Here I stand to drink from it again.
A banquet where all the delicacies will be presented. A banquet where all must attend. A banquet where all will enjoy. A banquet where loved one may attend. Let us go there.
"Get on your knees and pray."
It that a metaphor?
Is it a humble attitude?
Most of all it is a call to talk with God.
The border between Meghalaya (India) and Bangladesh is shrinking meter by meter. When I was younger there was a patch of land by the river at Dawki that we could go to without any trouble. This was so even in my mother's younger days too (evident from the photos that we still have). There was no one to warn us or guard us or look over us when we went bathing, washing, fishing or boating. May be there was an occasional whistle blown by the Indian Border Security Force to warn us from crossing over to Bangladesh. But now that patch of land has been claimed to be part of Bangladesh, even though the international border marker, which is a few meters away from that patch of land is still very much visible. Now the Indian Border Security Force gives us "permission" to enter that same piece of land with the consent of the Bangladesh forces. Now the local Indian fishermen and others who depend on boating for their livelihood are warned to not go further into their own land, while the Bangladesh vendors come easily to sell their dried fruits and other snacks to Indian tourist who are unaware of the facts. I am very disappointed with the administrators and government officials who are not looking into this matter.
I use a Japanese note book to take down lecture notes. These notebooks are manufactured by Kokuyo. They are very good notebooks. One of the features is that they are flat and this makes them very convenient.
Ancient is the way of hate; but eternal is the way of love.
More than anything this wall stands as a symbol of the irreconcilable relationship between life and death. Death itself is the wall and we cannot cross over it to the other side without embracing it. Heaven or hell awaits for us!
More than anything this wall stands as a symbol of the irreconcilable relationship between life and death. Death itself is the wall and you cannot cross over it to the other side without embracing it. Heaven or hell awaits us!
Let death come with all its features. Let it come to take me away. Until then I will stay. In Jesus name I will stay.
Tears swell in the eyes and flow out when hearts are pricked by words not meant to harm from the lips of a loved one. Like the sea swell into the shore and goes back into its place, let grieve return to its place of stay - let it stay in forgiveness and let it stay in hope for reconciliation and a future.
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