I had spent all day walking in the rain. Bussing back and forth. I was fried. Not just tired, but when I had gotten home, there was a joint waiting on the desk for me. I hated the rain, and this was the cure.
salvation follows those who live righteously. You don't need to be a bible thumping christian to live this way either. Be humble and honest, and forgive people. Pray for your enemies, and hope for your own future, live your life, and receive salvation.
she flipped through the magazines, looking at all the celebrity woman and their perfect bodies. Self consciously she thinks to herself,
"Why don't I look like that?"
He burst out with anger,
"I REFUSE, I will NOT listen to this"
He didn't want to be separated from his true love, no one could ever make him leave.
refuse to be defined as a stereotype. Be yourself, refuse to fit the "norm". Refusal does not have to mean stubbornness, it can mean confidence.