She thought of it as a necessity, going to his office to see him. She wanted to talk to him so bad, wanted to hold him close like yesterday. She wanted to know if things were still the same for him. The only thing holding her back was the thought that to him, it didn't matter. He didn't care about her anymore.
The reporter didn't know what to do. There was something fishy about how Candice got the award. He wasn't an inspector or a detective but he was wise. He got up, got his notebook, talked to one of his cameramen, and then headed for the door.
The reporter knew something wasn't right. He thought about it, scribbled notes, and said he was game; he wanted to telecast the truth. When the director said he was on air, he didn't hesitate any longer. He exposed the bad plans of the president.
The word dilemma can mean "problem." The dilemma of teens and young adults nowadays is that they really do not know what they want in life. They say they want to find love and happiness but they keep looking for it in the wrong places and at the wrong time.
To transform is to change. Change sometimes can be good, it can also be bad. Change, as some people say, is inevitable. It is something that is constant. Change is never-ending. How a caterpillar becomes a butterfly is an example of a major transformation.