It's breaking my heart that my belief and faith in the American people is beginning a long, slow collapse. I deeply do not want to spend the last quarter of my life in a collapsed nation.
They keep talking about the middle class but with the huge amount of people living in poverty these days the middle class is rising. and that isn't right. It's like the polar ice caps melting and making the seas rise. That isn't heling the water shortage.
Sometimes I think the whole world has been overcooked. We've steeped in hatred and pollution and arrogance for so long that I think all the vitamins have been cooked out.
We seem to blame genetics for everything that goes wrong....and take credit for whatever blessings genetics gives us...even though we've done nothing to earn it. A little responsibility please!
The envelope was hand addressed, smeared with either blood or chocolate and stamped in the bottom corner with a Chinese character. I didn't want to open it.