A source or place. Something that makes something go.
Nowhere, not paying attention, ignore. She sat there totally ignoring the fact that he was telling her what happened. She didn't want to hear. She didn't want to acknowledge that this was real. She was disregarding him. She was trying to make the past disappear. Obviously it wasn't working. Then it hit her. He was dead. Gone. FOR. EV. ER. No more. She couldn't disregard this. It was there forever, and it was his fault. Why? Why, couldn't he let her go on like she was. Numb. Just barely there. Wandering. It was easier this way. Much easier, but as he said, "To disregard would be to live in a LIE!!!!" So, no ignoring. No leaving. No disregard.
Primitive. New. Just beginning. Something that is just starting. Primitive life, primitive clothes, or primitive things.
Outgoing means it is easy for you to talk to people or do things that other people can't do. Like if you think some random person is pretty and you tell them, or started a conversation with someone you don't even know. Things like that or doing really awesome stuff like if you are trying to start a petition for school and you talk to people about it, or maybe you like to rock climb.
Outgoing means it is easy for you to talk to people or do things that other people can't do. Like if you think some random person is pretty and you tell them, or started a conversation with someone you don't even know. Things like that or doing really awesome stuff like if you are trying to start a petition for school and you talk to people about, or maybe you like to rock climb.
If you are shorthand I think it means you aren't getting or you didn't get the full package. You didn't get all of it. Like if everyone else got 5 jelly beans and you only got three then you would get shorthanded.
A sense. The ability to hear sounds and process them in to words. A way of listening to the sounds of the world around you. If you couldn't hear it would be as if you walked around numb forever. It be like if a bomb went off and you lost everything, a blur. No sound, nor hearing, you could see people talking, but no sound. You know those parts in movies when they speed everything up and it's a blur, but it's like the main character is in slow motion and you hear no sounds you just see movement, that is what I would feel like if I lost my hearing.
A sense. The ability to take in sounds and process it into words. The brains w
We are two beings, with different lives.
We choose when to live, and we choose when to die.
We are not together, or joined at the hip.
Two different people we are separate.
I think of separate as two different things. Like different being with different morals and feelings. Separate doesn't have to be bad it can be good. Maybe it just means things aren't joined or together. They are apart. They don't think alike or do thinks alike. They have different jobs. Like elements in science. Different things, different jobs, separate. Like planets, close together(sort of), but separate.