
I try to avoid it, eventhough I need to see the letters on paper, hard copy in order to realy check all the mistakes I know are lurking there, hidden by the computer screen. In the end I have to do it,. I have to print!
She took off, just jumped up from the chair and shot up the steps like a rocket! I never knew she had so much speed but that was all it took.
I let it happen everyday. I must get soem dicipline into my life. Get started on my revisions, my story,,that on e I have been meaning ot submit. But I Check my emails, as I do every morning and then I get sidtracked! It happens every day! AGG!
These arguments with my daughter, they are endless. It doesn't matter what I say or do, we end up arguing. I am tired of it but I can't give up. WHen will it end? Is there a time?
My daughter is absolutely terrified by these 8 legged things! I can't stand them in the house bu tif they stay outside I would be ok. They need to live too!
Don't they just look real interesting and colourful when you look at them in the recipe books! I love them. I look and I think..I will try this. THis looks yummy. But at the end of the day I go back to my same ole same ole!