For the best, the most important, the loudest. Always competing. The word "bitch" hot on her tongue like a habanero pepper. There's no way her enemy is better than her, she equivocates. She can't make up for the lost time. The intelligence and beauty that her sister was given and she was denied.
I believe that someone said it's as if she has a chameleon soul. She's different every day - a versatile personality, under more change than the sands of a beach. She's beautiful but she's a mess.
Little girl playing on the tracks, didn't your mother tell you not to do that? Did she not directly forbid you from setting foot anywhere near them? What are you to do, now that you've been caught breaking the rule? I can't save you, so you might as well catch the next train and skip town by the rails.
The cars clack past on the rails. Clack-clack, clack-clack, clack-clack... The grinding of metal on metal reminds me of someone grinding his teeth at night against some nightmare that only he can see in his mind.
I would like to see you in a weak spot. Do I make you nervous? Do I make you stumble over your own words? I do, don't I? I'd love to see you ravenous for me, so I'll do my best to make this fun for both of us. You've not yet seen the best of me.
The body and mind are filled with desire. Each part of his body wants to reach out and envelope her in passionate fits. Still, she sits cross-legged on the futon next to him and they make polite conversation. The digital clock on the microwave tells them that it's 12:09 AM. Her mouth splits into a smile as he tells her something clever and his heart beats furiously in his chest. He gently brushes the hair from her cheek and takes her chin in his hand as he pulls her in. It's a perfect bridge from conversation to kiss and he can feel her relax into his arms as the heat rises. It's as close to perfect as anyone's ever come, but beast within isn't satisfied - it's tasted a small bit of what it desires and now it's ravenous. Ravenous for her smile, her laugh, her body, her love, her very presence.
She was so hungry that she couldn't stand without seeing bright lights flash before her eyes, accompanied by the stabbing pain of the blood pounding through the veins in her head. She was beyond ravenous, she was dying of starvation and there was no one around to help her.
Fill up your belly with all the sinful things you desire. One night each year, we turn our eyes from the audacity of our own actions and we let our spirits run free. Feed your desires with pleasure and passion.
Put it away. Keep piling it up until it overflows. Then when it finally does, everyone will be so overwhelmed with the mess that you made, you'll find yourself alone.
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