In the pines, in the pines, where the sun never shines...
The trains run like snakes through the Pentecostal pines....
My heart goes back, suffocating on the pines in Jacksonville
I love colorful clothes - scarves, hats, embroidered blouses - they make me feel so festive. Sequins are always good for a party, too.
The demonstration took on a life of it's own and now there is a law against it.
Swing with your friends. Swine to the highest limits of the swing. Swing out over the water and jump in. Swing with swingers.
I am a professional. I know what I'm doing. Do not try this at home. It takes years of practice and education to do what I'm doing. Not to mention good social skills.
The island beach bartender will weave braids and beads into your hair when business is slow.
Hey, you just hang on to my rainbow sleeves. - Rickie Lee Jones
My favorite palette contains teal, red, orange, black, silver, and lots of shiny.
I have a gown for every formal I have attended in the past four years and they are all stored in plastic dry cleaning bags in a climate controlled storage unit in the basement of my apartment building and I know I will never wear any of them again.
Those sneaky little weasels drank all my beer again!
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