Icky you.
You decided to make a fluffy nutter and jelly sandwhich.
Who said I liked that?
Okay okay, that was a bit aggressive.
How do I rephrase.
Hun, your cooking skills suck!
This is actually scary.
Maybe cheetohs would make it better.
We've all had one or two. But this time it was really serious...
She had no way to move on.
Her car was flipped upside down, in a ditch, and her child crying.
Her phone dead.. and no building to be found in a 20 mile radius since she saw the last Shell station.
I can transform my own life no matter the consequences. because in true transformation the outcome is always more positive. it is all within to be felt, to be heard, to have trust. enabling the ability to transform will make me stronger despite the challenges.
There once was a person who had to grow. It was small and unmighty and somehow it developed a creative life. Creative life enables us to transform to our greatest potential.
its a healthy process.
its is a life of wonder.