Let me tell you about how I wasted away in college.
Mario Kart on Game Cube. I was such a hardcore video gamer. A Gaymer.
I would spend hours on end, until that point when it's just me and the blue glow of a room, to make sure that everyone's balloons were popped.
I eventually had to sell my Game Cube. And with that money. I bought beer.
Let me tell you about how I stopped playing video games and started really wasting away in college.
Let me tell you about how I wasted away in college.
Mario Kart on Game Cube. I was such a hardcore video gamer. A Gaymer, since gay video game players are such a rare breed.
I would spend hours on end, until that point when it's just me and the blue glow of a room, to make sure that I was the ruling mario kart champion. This was also true with other games. Still is. Bejeweled Blitz. Snake. Candy Crush.