I can only think of the Lamb of God, the One Who came to save me from myself. What did I do to deserve murdering such an innocent and beautiful creature? We are supposed to hate sheep and lambs, for being such herd animals, but is the enlightened egoism and individualism of society that much better?
Can anyone be called a weakling in this vale of tears? It seems everyone is weak. All of us have our issues, our crosses, and so I can't stand it when one stands above another and criticizes. All of our sins are about ourselves, on a very fundamental level, and since no one is beyond their own ego, we all become weak.
Size? Size is relative, dependent on perceptions. Anything can become big or small with an effort of the will. Things that seem insurmountable just need to be divided.
End can be two things. It can refer to what happens at the culmination, and it refers to that which we aim at. Too often we focus on what is happening now and fail to recognize the end, in both senses. But how are we to ensure that what we do is worthy of us if we fail to consider the end?
A compass is a useful device. No matter how much one waivers, it always points to the true source. But society acts as it we need no compasses, and I act like I don't have a compass. Of course we have compasses, and we need to use them and not merely decide for ourselves what direct "north" is; it's one direction, and it's the same for us all.
I am a man, and so I don't cry, and yet there are so many moments when all I want to do is weep. Weep at the word, weep at my own filth.
I wish I was a better master over myself. I wish I had could command my bad habits like slaves and turn them into bits and pieces that are subordinate to my ultimate goals. I wish I could master tiredness and do away with it if need be. But I hate whenever someone is a master over me, or really does anything in a position of superior authority.
What must I do to be happy? I must do something different. But every time I try something different, the darkness reappears, the sadness, the anger. Must I accept that this is the way of things? I don't want to, but I must realize that merely changing my external circumstances will not lead to any kind of happiness.
There is no lord on earth but myself. I get so angry whenever someone tries to rule over me, it's just wrong! Let people be left alone to their own devices and almost all will be fine.
I placed my hopes in men and was disappointed. To place your hopes in anything that can change is to be disappointed ultimately. There is nothing permanent enough in this world that will not eventually betray you and break you. So, either you place yourself in something which is greater, or you don't place yourself anywhere, and thus refuse to participate in the world.
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