How do you tire of a human being who loves you? How do you push their affection away without telling them?
Even though my toes bumped the ends of my black flats, I could feel the hard, comforting wood of the stage beneath my feet. My corset seemed a little too tight, but it felt good when I took in the deepest breath possible and practically sang my lines. It felt great to be here, great to perform, great to live, and great to be dancing on the second circle.
Every morning, she awoke to screaming and shouting, and she would lie in bed with silent tears running down her face until her sister finally slammed the door shut and her mother slumped over the kitchen table to cry.
The best thing about the spa was the gigantic sauna in the back. One woman, Isabelle, had just begun working at the spa and wondered how the sauna, the fire of which somehow continued burning literally all day and every day, was kept lit. She soon found out it was the small team of tiny dragons that hid in the cracks of the walls.
In a perfect, perfect world, where world peace reigns and world hunger is a myth, I will be able to dance down the street, singing the music playing in my ears as loud as I can, and the people who stop will sing along instead of escorting me to the nearest mental hospital.