I use methods to solve math problems so i can get the question right. I use the fishy method to figure out my answer.
We both love to swim in the ocean. The fish are beautiful and the plants. They both are beautiful.
The sun will rise at around 7 in the morning and then it will rise the nest day we all hope.
Under the bridge was a stinky old troll. His name was Under done. He lived under that bridge for more than 50 years. Then the bridge was tooken away so he could not live under the bridge.
I have to satisfy my parents when i do my chores so i can get cool toys (: . If i don't satisfy my parents then i wont get cool toys ): .
Every company has employees. If they don't have employees then they wont have business will go out cause they don't have employees to make the money.
Some people know marcial arts. Many chines know marcial arts. I want to know hpw to do marcial arts.
If there is more than one art.. it will be come arts. There are many arts in a museum.
Some people kill themselves for reason that have hurt them or they have no reason to be in the world. People should not do that to themselves.
The teacher teach me stuff so i can get smart. Certain teachers teach certain things like math science and english. They teach this stuff because thats what they know most about and they may like it.
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