it seems a lightglowing in the ditnce as my heart rises withurs the glow around us falls as we depart for i am hurt now for im alone an have nothing with out you for i feel happy when i hear your voice but i miss you every secend your gone.
r perastick animals that use to live but they died from the crul heartlessnes of the world we live in to day because its everyone for them selfs
a bright coler that is like the sun but yet im not flursent i am as dark as the heartless cold of the night.
what is the purpose of life an liveing if all we feel is the houres pain each an ever day suffering in hurt an anger with not a smile what is the purpose of life.
very detaile or said specficly
a simple surpise that no one likes it seem a surprise its always bad.
my relatives i love but they dont seem to care for me cuez im alone with only a frind
my heart was happy an sky rocketing yesterday morning but now near the end of that day the rocket fell an i was hurt toeren i am now but nothing could fix me or my rocketing loveing heart that fell yesterday.