The cruel animal ripped the pouch from my hand. Its bloody fangs swung the pouch savagely. I was frozen with terror, I always thought I'd be able to handle a situation like this but this was too real. I tried to scream, but realizing the beast was distracted by the pouch I sprinted hoping to escape. The beady eyes of the hideous monster stopped me in my tracks. It was done with the pouch and it's next course was me. I started to panic, even more than before. I started to hyperventilate, which I tend to do under stress. Then I stopped. And laughed. The monster lashed at me.The world melted away as my skin was being torn off bit by bit. The pain was unbearable, but the laughing ceased to stop. A thick fog covered the few objects I could still make out, and a cold hand reached for me. I took it and it pulled me away from the world I thought I knew so well..