
She had never thought to adopt the new trends. To her they were ridiculous and she needed that old comfort that came with the well worn clothes and styles of the times she was happiest. Nothing made her feel lighter then a pair of pale blue bell bottoms.
Crisscrossed with empty hooks and patterned bizarrely with the shadows of photos long gone the walls were lonely and bereft of warmth. It was immediately evident to Deidre that her mother had died embittered and utterly alone. She was glad.
The damned camera dominated every family event. Now just the girls, now just the boys, now the three generations, now in laws only, now blood family only... On and on till hours were just a blur of flashes and everyone felt half blinded. And yet now she's gone those same events feel somehow empty and I can look back on those photos with joy.
The air was crisp and the sky hadn't yet turned blue, yet it wasn't dark. Dew glistened, jewel like around the edges of the circle. For the first time since she had been chosen she actually felt sacred.
The rain showed no signs of letting up. Grey skies stretched unbroken in every direction and nothing had been dry in weeks. The kids were getting cabin fever and so was I.
The lipstick on his collar was the clincher. He hadn't even shut the front door before she'd caught a whiff of the heady perfume. He may as well have taken a bath in it. That might have been explained away though. The bright red smudge on the edge of that crisply pressed collar said it all though. Did he want to get caught? In that moment she felt angrier about the violation of that damned shirt that she'd washed and ironed and hung with care then the violation of her marriage.
Squeaking, the door opened to reveal yet another dust ridden room. Cobwebs hung from the walls and ceiling strangely beautiful in the dust filtered light. It wasn't liveable. Not yet. Her train of thought was interrupted by another screaming hinge giving way downstairs. "Oil the hinges for a start, at least it'll feel less haunted without all the squealing!" She called down to Mark, and smiled.
Every home had one, 10ft was the average and the houses sporting only 8ft fences looked bizarrely vulnerable. It did not inspire confidence in the safety of the area.
A wonderful contraption all folds and buttons and magic. I imagined myself learning some day when I was a child and growing up to become one of those sweet smiling park performers.. Perhaps another thing on that ever growing bucket list which is doomed to go I uncompleted but sure makes a good talking point.
A wonderful contraption all folds and buttons and magic. I imagined myself learning some day when I was a child and growing up to become one of those sweet smiling park performers.. Perhaps another think on that ever growing bucket list which is doomed to go I completed but sure makes a good talking point.
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