I have nothing to say about this word.
Nothing at all.
You iron clothes.
You need iron in your body.
That's about all, isn't it?
What a boring word.
Crouch is such an ugly word. It reminds me of a lot of ugly things, mainly ugly memories. It reminds me of Athletics, and the hours I spent learning the perfect crouch start, even though I had no interest in competing. It reminds me of crouching in the bushes at school camp, waiting a solid hour for the teachers to go to bed so I could sneak back into my room. It reminds me of a lot of things I'd rather forget.
Antlers are weird. They're contorted horns on the top of an animals head. They look like miniature trees, which is ironic because I'm sure they don't feel like wood (I always thought that's what they'd feel like). I can imagine every antler has a certain textural feel to it. Some animals might have antlers that feel like glossy, polished wood, while others may feel hollow and rough. I guess they're essential for survival, which makes them pretty useful.
I'm invisible.
Always looked over.
But nothing's forgotten,
Nothing is ever forgotten in my mind.
"Look for home," She said.
Home is painted with the different colours of the world, the colours that cover your soul when you walk in and out the white door.
You paint the places you touch with such vibrant colours that they tell your story. Everything about you- your past, your present and your future- will give life to the black and white backdrop of this world.
His paintbrush moved swiftly against the rough stone wall, leaving a slick trail of shiny white behind it. Blowing a strand of loose brown hair off his face, he dipped the brush back into the large tin sitting on the floor next to his feet, and kept painting.
I painted the walls purple when I was seven, although I hated purple. It reminded me of everything I hated. About my friends and my school and the stupid stuffed bear I got when I was in hospital. Maybe that's why I like the colour so much now, because it symbolises everything I hate about myself and my past, and it means so much more to me than anybody will ever know.