black leather collar hung around his neck. moved by the panting and swaying of his tail. on the tag read in faded letters.
cold white floors. dark room. warm glowing hum of the ultrasound. my wifes hand in mine. eyes locked. expecting to hear if we're expecting. thump thump goes my heart when i hear the doctor say that there's not one, but two....
chores. work. grueling in the summer heat. my dad's yard was my only hope of earning a few dollars.
that orange blossom lip gloss. carries through the 6 inches between us and steals my heart. With every lock of your hair, locking my eyes to you. My crush.
in me. in you. in every living thing. cells. gelatinous blobs of life. throbbing. pulsing. breathing. thinking. dreaming. worrying. cells. and what if we are all cells in one giant organism?
that smile. the one where your head tilts to the side. the one where no words could ever replace the volumes spoken in one look. that smile. that glowing ember of a fire that's just begun. that
rushing rhythmic routes. click clack. bump bump. views of majestic oceans. postcard countryside. blurry