"Are you experienced with a bow?" She asks, holding out the bow made of the finest material I've seen in my days.
I think of all of the times I've been in the woods with Him. Shooting birds and deer, and sometimes just plastic bottles when all the animals seem to have disappeared. We would take turns shooting an arrow to the top of the highest tree and race to see who could recover the others arrow first.
I think of the time I went out alone. When He was gone for the weekend, and I would shoot animal after animal, mercilessly. I thought of the times when He was gone. On a weekend trip with his father. I thought the surprise He gave to me. Coming home early. He wanted to greet me from behind. But I was hunting. Mercilessly. And He was there. A surprise.
"A bit."
Suddenly, a servant barged into the hall.
"Lord, there are intruders! At the gate! Your daughter is missing sir!"
There was an echo of silence before the crazed king was bellowing orders into the grand hall.
"Soldiers! Attack our enemy! Full force! Show no mercy and FIND MY DAUGHTER!"
I've been raised as a Christian my entire life. I believed in the Lord for the majority of it. However, I now have my doubts. I still go to church twice a week, but I'm usually zoned out pondering some insignificant thing going on in my life at the time, opposed to actually listening to what the preacher is saying. I can't imagine telling my grandmother (the one who takes me to church) that I don't believe. She would be so disappointed in me. So I go.