
amazed is when you see something exiting and you are speechless i get amazed sometimes when i see something i like
the word teeth is plural for tooth and teeth are what we use to chew our food
a bunny is an animal it is another word for rabbit. some people have pet rabbits
a spike is like a bar or something with a point i think of a railroad spike or something like that
a diagram is like a graph or something like that businesses use diagrams to show sales
flakes are like snowflakes or hair flakes or skin flakes and things like that that is what i think of when someone says that.
science is how we know so much about ourselves ant the world if there wasnt science we would hardly know anything
a duck is an animal that is like a bird but it swims and doesnt fly that much
a reader is someone who reads a book i am not sure of that but that is what i think of.
a feud is when you fight with someone but not like a fist fight. I think of it as a family feud.
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