To succeed in life is everyone's ultimate goal. Everyone's dream. We go to school, pay for college, work, work and work, all so that we succeed. Some people are born with success only an arm's length away; others are born as far away from it as possible. Some look as success as a destination, others a journey. Can one ever really say that they've truly succeeded in life? Is success living life with no regrets? Is it being rich? Having a loving family? My family was born poor, dirt poor, but now we live in a 4 story house with 2 summer houses, one in another country. My father became a very high ranking engineer and my mother a well-respected doctor. Have they succeeded? Or has that only happened after their four kids have finished college? Or after they get married? When does one reach success? Certainly it is not a set point, it must be different for everyone.
There is one thing that I am sure of: I want to succeed, no matter what.